HCL Share Analysis 2022 and price target in coming years / HCL Share target prediction

It is a technology company that provides IT services. Started 46 years ago, the name of this company comes in the list of big companies in India today. HCL made many changes in its business, initially it used to make computers but later it also started providing IT services. Brokerage house Motilal Oswal has given an investment advice in the stock of HCL Technologies and has given a target of Rs,1100. In terms of current price of Rs.928, it can give 19 % return. The brokerage says that the growth in services has been decent on a quarterly basis and the company has got strong deals.

Urja Global Share Analysis Report 2022 & Future Target

Today’s our team is posting Urja Global stock analysis report 2022 and future rate target, Company is India based and involve in energy sector. Company engaged in design, consultancy, integration, supply, installation, maintenance of off-grid, and grid connected sector. Its products include E- Rickshaw, Batteries, Solar Inverter, LED Lights, PV Modules, Water Heater, Solar Lantern, Power Pack, Home Light, Solar Charge etc.