LIC Scheme: Investment of 10 lakh rupees and profit of 35 lakh, know this best scheme of LIC

Under the SIIP scheme, the investors also get an insurance cover of Rs 4,80,000 till the maturity of the policy. You can buy this policy both offline and online. No demat account is required for this. The lock-in period of SIIP is five years. After this, investors can surrender it anytime. After five years, there is no surrender charge in this. Keep in mind that its average maturity amount is based on NAV growth rate of 15% per annum. But still you must take expert advice before investing anywhere.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan: Monthly scheme of earning, understand how you will get money every month after investment, many more benefits.

Systematic Withdrawal Plan (SWP) is a one-of-a-kind facility. Through this, investors get back a fixed amount from Mutual Fund Schemes. Investors themselves choose the option of how much money to withdraw in how much time. They can do this on a monthly or quarterly basis. By the way, the Monthly Option (Regular Monthly Income) is more popular. If the investor wants to withdraw only a certain amount or if he wants, he can withdraw the Capital Gains on the investment.