Balrampur Chini Share Analysis Report and Future Target

Balrampur Chini Shareis a company in the sugar sector. The total valuation (market value) of the company is Rs.8,563 crore. One share of the company is priced at Rs.415.00 in BSE market today and Rs.415.25 in NSE market today.

How much returns has Balrampur Chini given? (Balrampur Chini Share Price History)

If we talk about the returns of Balrampur Chini Share, then it has given 143.48% returns in the last one year. If seen in the last 5 years, then 215.12% returns have been given. If seen, it has given very good returns to its shareholders.

Which is the best Chinese stock to buy in India?

Listed below are the best sugar stocks and why they are recommended:

Balrampur Chini Mills: Balrampur Chini Mills is considered to be one of the most effective and leading sugar producers, Balrampur Chini Mills was established in 1975 and is currently operating in 10 factories. is operating.

Balrampur Chini Share
Balrampur Chini Share
Balrampur Chini Share
Balrampur Chini Share

Should we invest or not Balrampur Chini is Good to Invest?

If we talk about its fundamental and technical analysis, then it also has very weak parameters. If you want to invest in it for a short time i.e. for a short period, if you want to invest for a long period of time, then follow the advice of an expert and only then invest in it.

About the author

A Ranjan is from Kolkata in West Bengal. He is double post graduate in Computer Science & Management (Marketing & Operation), who is fond of Science & Technology, Stock Investing, Travelling and Writing. He made the art of writing his profession and started working from home. He mostly writes about Stock Investment, Motivational Story, Technology, Travelling Field & Famous people. This is the first employee to join the Yono Informer Team.

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