Know what Finance Management is and how to do it?

Money Management is a Finance Management and Finance Management Skills. This is one of the best Habits, due to which we can achieve success in professional life as well as in personal life. The financial and mental peace of our life rests only on the money management skills. The big difference between economic success and failure is money management.
Today, in this article, what is your Finance Management Skill? Why should you do Finance Management? The rules of finance management will share detailed information with you regarding all these topics.

What is Finance Management?

Finance management means that whatever money comes to us in the form of income, it should be used properly. Meaning that we should save our money in such a way, that our invested money increases and our extravagance is reduced. Finance management is very useful to deal with difficult situations in life.
When you are doing finance management i.e. money management then you must take care of three things Spend, Save and Invest.

That is, how much money you have to spend according to your needs, how much money has to be saved for the future and how much money has to be invested on many. The skill of managing money is called finance management skills, which we are not taught in any educational institutions but we have to learn from ourselves.

Why Finance Management is Important?

As you know that money is an important part of the needs of every human being. Money is a means to meet our present needs, while at the same time money is also a means to secure our future. If we do not use money properly then we have to face many difficulties in life.

People who earn good amount of money but are not practicing finance management, they just spend money without any rhyme, reason or purpose. Money comes and goes, whereas the individual remains stagnant and never moves forward. In the absence of money management, you often have to borrow money from people, due to which you become a debtor. Sometimes in the absence of finance management, you cannot give a wealth to your family. Lack of money also affects the education of children in many ways.

Benefits of doing finance management

Finance management can help people to accumulate wealth instead of spending all their money in vain.
To increase your capital, to create security for your family, to make positive investments, to improve your standard of living and to keep accumulating money in the form of wealth. This money enhances your lifestyle, provides security and more opportunities for you and your family.

When you have personal money management skills, you will get the lifestyle you want. You can give a better future to your family. Money management helps you to live life without stress.

When you start managing your money, a list is prepared in your mind about where and how you are spending your money. This can help you keep within your budget, and even increase your savings. Along with good personal money management, you will also learn to control your money so that you can achieve your financial goals.

Some important ways to do Financial Management in your life

Make a budget and stick to it – Do you know where all your money goes? Do you know how much money you spend on things like eating out, watching movies, or buying clothes? Most people don’t know. Are you one of those people who just pray every day that you don’t withdraw too much money from your bank account?
If yes, then make your budget. Look at your checkbook or bank statement for the previous year and write down how much you spent in each category. You’ll probably be surprised at how much of your money has been “wasted” on things you didn’t even know about.

Balance your cheque book: – Balancing your cheque book is one of the important skills that you need to know. With this you will not only know how much money is in your bank account but where your money goes. It can help you prevent cheque bounce, stick to your budget, and avoid debt.
Make sure to keep a record of all the things you buy, which will help you eliminate your unnecessary expenses. Limit the use of credit cards and online banking.

Think Like an Investor: – Do you know that the richest people in the world must be earning thousands of rupees every day by their hard work. No, they have invested their earned money in such a way that they get double back in future. Investing your money in the right place is also a skill. Remember, by saving small regularly, it creates a big bank balance in future.
To invest your money in the right place, it is very important to do a financial planning. For this you can invest in Stocks, Mutual Funds, SIP etc. To invest money, you can also take Life Insurance Plan and Health Insurance Plan for yourself and your family. It will also provide you financial security in difficult situations. Never keep the saved money in the house, rather keep them in any policy, savings account, F.D. Invest in etc., which will give you a hefty amount in future.

If you want to be successful in life then you must pay attention to financial management. The rule of this universe is that those who know how to handle money, money can stay with them only. For your better future you have to manage your money.

In today’s article, what is Finance Management Skill? And why should we do finance management? Tried to give you complete information about it. If you have any question related to the article, then definitely tell by commenting in the comment box below and share the article.

About the author

Rangukumari Jha (Founder of, who is professional Blogger & YouTuber (Finance & investment) from Goa, India. She is a basically from Account & Finance Department and qualified from St. Xavier College, Goa with some skills of Personality Development and Marketing filed. Her interest in computers & the internet has made her a self-proclaimed geek.

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